Attorney Engagement Letter

Welcome to Global Legal Services Firm!

Please read carefully and complete this form. The information provided is strictly confidential and is to be used only in connection with legal services that will be performed for you.

Personal Information

Client’s Name   Email id:
Opposite party Name:
A brief about the legal issue involved:

Pursuant to your meeting with the representative of GLSF/ Associated Firm and conversation we had, you are consenting for representation of your case by GLSF/ Associated Firm which pertains to Immigration Law. Our Professional Fee for the representation of your case is:

In US $

GLSF/ Associated Firm have the rights to withdraw its Professional Services if:

1. You provide us with false information of your case.
2. You fail to provide us with the document required for your case.
3. You fail to do necessary compliance which is directed by the authority concerned in your matter.
4. Change in correspondence address/ mobile number due to which Firm fails to provide you with timely correspondence about your matter.
5. If the person responsible fail to make the payment of the Professional Fee as decided mutually by the Firm and you.

In case client terminate the services of our Firm, the client or the person responsible to pay the professional Fee of the Firm is consented to pay the Professional Charges of the Firm for the services given/ miscellaneous work by the Firm in your matter till the date of termination of the Services.

Professional Fee:

1. Legal Services Fee:
2. Filling Charges (Required to file your petition/ Application):
3. Miscellaneous Charges:
4. You are consented to pay the above fee in installment payable on and if you will not pay the Professional Fee as mutually agreed between you and Firm may result in termination of the services in your matter.

Following will be excluded from the Professional Fee:

1. Unreasonable numbers of International telephonic Call.
2. Consultation without prior appointment.
3. Appeals of Denial.
4. Rebuttal of notice of findings issued by the U.S. Department of Labour, or the court of litigation.
5. Legal Fees do not include responses to unanticipated or unusual circumstance.
6. Most requests for expedited proceedings will be charged additionally depending on the nature of the case. The Professional Fee agreed in Attorney Engagement Letter is based on the proceedings of the case described in this letter above as per the procedure involved in your matter according to Immigration Laws and Regulations.
7. In the event of unforeseen legal and procedural changes/ amendments by the Immigration Services Department in the future, which require additional Professional Services for your matter a free adjustment, will be made accordingly upon notice


Service will included in the fee quote will be billed at our current fee for the services as requested. Additional Professional Fee may include, but are not limited to the following, subsequent interviews due to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) error or client failure; employment authorization; re- entry permits, travel documents, visa extensions and visa validations. In case your desire that we arrange Visa and Tickets, the same shall be done at cost.



The client and the person responsible for the payments are responsible for all fees incurred resulting from collection of unpaid Professional Fees including; Collection Fees, court cost and Attorney’s Fee. The Professional Ethics prohibit the Guaranteeing the outcome of any legal matter.



It is understood and agreed by the client that Professional Fee do not include expenses. Expenses include but not limited to the following:

1. Unreasonable numbers of International telephonic Call.
2. Consultation without prior appointment.
3. Appeals of Denial.
4. Rebuttal of notice of findings issued by the U.S. Department of Labour, or the court of litigation.
5. Legal Fees do not include responses to unanticipated or unusual circumstance.
6. Most requests for expedited proceedings will be charged additionally depending on the nature of the case. The Professional Fee agreed in Attorney Engagement Letter is based on the proceedings of the case described in this letter above as per the procedure involved in your matter according to Immigration Laws and Regulations.
7. In the event of unforeseen legal and procedural changes/ amendments by the Immigration Services Department in the future, which require additional Professional Services for your matter a free adjustment, will be made accordingly upon notice
1. Filling Fee and Application Fee: Filling Fees set by USCIS and subject to change without notice.
2. Photocopies.
3. Postage and mailing expenses including certified mails or Expended Delivery mail, Courier Services.
4. International Calls, Fax Transmission and Telex.
5. Newspaper and other advertisement (payable prior to publication).
6. Education and work experience checks.
7. Document Translations.
8. Travel and mileage Expenses.
9. Bank Charges (returned cheques, Foreign cheque handling)
10. Visa Services and other out of country expenses.
11. Services Fees 2%- 3% on credit payment (on expenses only; Fees charged by credit card companies). All major credit cards accepted. Bank Credit Card fees will be assessed on expenses paid by Credit Card.
12. Other specified in advance . The above Fees are charged at actual.


After completion of the case, the client file will be stored, at no charge to the client, at an off- site location for five years after which the file will be destroyed. It is the client’s responsibility to request the copies of the file 30 days prior to destruction. The client will be charged Retrieval Fees.



All Attorneys have an obligation to maintain a high standard of ethical conduct towards their client and others. If you are not satisfied with services; you are requested to give in writing and your engagement will be terminated. Further Fees shall not be charged and fees shall be charged only to the stage in which your case stands as on Engagement Termination Date.